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SCS Pre-kindergarten Location Information
Current Locations |
Beech ElementaryBenny Bills ElementaryGeorge Whitten ElementaryGuild ElementaryHB Williams ElementaryHoward ElementaryJ.W. Wiseman ElementaryLakeside Park ElementaryMillersville ElementaryNannie Berry ElementaryPortland Gateview ElementaryStation Camp ElementaryVena Stuart ElementaryWestmoreland Elementary |
I thought my zoned school had a Pre-K, but it is not one of the four listed under the pre-k locations.
In Sumner County, Pre-K is not based on school of zone. We have 14 schools across the county that have pre-k classes for a toal of 27 classrooms. We try to place students at their school of zone if they have a pre-k class, and if not, then at the closest to their school of zone.
Does my child have to be zoned for the school to which we apply?
No, in fact, if you live in Sumner County, you can apply for any of the Pre-K programs. Some families prefer to send their child to the one closest to their home while others prefer to send their child to the one closest to the parent’s work. At the time of registration, families will be asked to provide 2 proofs of residence within Sumner County.
What are the hours and days of the Pre-K class?
Our Pre-K classes meet Monday through Friday for 6 hours. SCS Pre-K classes follow the Sumner County Schools calendar and school start times, unless otherwise specified. Attendance is required for all five days each week, and families must agree to the Pre-K attendance policy before enrolling. Chronic absences and/or tardies/early pick-ups can be grounds from dismissal from our program.
If you have questions about Sumner County Schools Pre-K, please call 615-451-6352.
Sumner County Early Learning Department
Sumner County Schools Early Learning Preschool:
Sumner County Schools preschool program is a developmental program that is geared toward teaching developmental skills to both children that are typically developing and children who are delayed in these skills. Through partnerships with families and the community, Sumner County Schools preschool program will create safe, compassionate, and collaborative learning environments that support growth, nurture independence, and foster a sense of belonging for ALL students.Our program is located in 14 elementary schools across Sumner County.
Sumner County Pre-K classrooms are funded in a number of different ways, including using local and state funding. Each fund source has different requirements, like serving families based on income within Sumner County, or charging a fee. Some of our pre-k seats require a weekly fee of $150.00. We do offer tuition support for a limited number of families and classified employees of Sumner County Schools who do not quite meet the income requirements to qualify for the tuition free seats. Families that pay weekly tuition are offered extended care options before and after school and we have a limited number of extended care options available for families that meet the income requirements for the tuition free seats.
Program hours vary by school start times, but all classrooms offer a 6 hour instructional day. Families are responsible for providing transportation to and from the program.
The application process is different for pre-k from K-12 enrollment. There are eligibility requirements that must be considered, including age, immunizations, and a separate application is required. Pre-k students must be 4 years old on or before August 15, 2024 to apply. If your child will be age-eligbile for kindergarten, meaning they turn 5 on or before 8/15/2024, they are not eligible to participate in our pre-k program. Some of our programs accept 3 year olds. In order to be considered as a 3 year old, the child must turn 3 on or before August 15, 2024. Please note that priority will be given to three year olds who will be turning 4 between August 16 - September 30.
If families have concerns or questions about their pre-k child's development, they can contact our office at 615-451-6352. We encourage all families to visit our Developmental Pre-K page to learn more.
If you think your child between birth and 36 months (age 0 to 3 years) may have a disability and needs an evaluation, please call at 1-800-852-7157 to make a referral. TEIS will help families locate services for infants and toddlers with disabilities before the child reaches school age.
Sumner County Schools wants all age eligible students to apply for Pre-K. If your child meets the age requirements, please apply for a Pre-K seat. Pre-K is the best place for your child to grow and develop the skills needed for kindergarten.
Update as of 9/7/2024: All spots have been filled and we are no longer taking any applications for the current school year. We do not anticiapte being able to add anyone to any classes from the current waitlist. Families will be individucally contacted should a spot become available. Please note that while our max classroom size is 20 students, we strive to keep class sizes closer to 12 - 16 sstudents because we serve a high population of students with varying special education needs. Having a classroom of 20 students with varying challenges and needs is not the ideal inclsuive learning environment that SCS strives to provide for our youngest future leaders. We also have to leave spaces open for the additional students with disabilities that are being added throughout the year. Sumner County has the highest rate of children ages 0 - 2 receiving early intervention through TEIS. We have to assess all children turning three who are receiving TEIS services as well as those who parents self-refer for testing to determine if they qualify for special education services. We test anywhere from 30 - 45 children each week and typically, 74% of those tested qualify for services within the school system. This means that we are adding new students with special needs to our classes on a monthly basis and have to leave space to account for the additional students we know will need services. The application for the 2025 - 2026 school year will open sometime toward the end of November and will be posted at the top of this website as well as just below this paragraph. Thank you.
If you have questions, you can call our office at 615-451-6352 or email
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What's next after applying?
Our department will review applications on an on-going basis. We will hold several pre-k screenings starting at the end of February for families that applied before March. Families will be emailed with a date, time, and location for their child's screening. On May 10th families will be notified via email and regular mail, whether or not their child has been offered a spot. If you have indicated an interest in seeing if you qualify for a tuition free spot, you will be contacted to provide the required proof of income documents for all adults in the home. Families who are not offered a placement during the initial placement, will be placed on a waitlist. Families on the waitlist will be contacted if placements become available.
How are classes determined?
Since our program focuses on having a blended model in each classroom of students with and without disabilites, we form class rosters based on what the needs of the projected classes will be. This means that our spots are not filled on a first come, first serve basis. We use a multi-faceted approach to determine our class lists. Part if this process is the pre-k screening that all typically developing pre-k applicants will take part in. Once the screening process has been completed, our department uses the information gathered during the screening to help determine which students would be the best fit for each classroom based on their ages and abilities in relation to the students with special needs that will also be in that classroom. Children who are not offered a spot during the initial placement offering, will be placed on a waitlist and contacted should any spots open up throughout the year.
If you have general questions about the application process, or our program you can email our department at
All registration will be handled through our department and/or the school (dependent on time of year) once you have been offered a spot. Do not complete Skyward registration or visit/contact the school regarding registration until our department has offered you a seat, they will redirect you to our department to follow the proper steps. Once you have been offered a seat you can refer to the district enrollment page for more information on that process. Schools are given a list of students who have been offered a spot, if you are not on that list you will not be permitted to register.
Preschool Students with Unique Learning Needs:
We also serve preschool students that have been identified as having a disability that impacts their ability to learn in our Developmental Pre-Kindergarten. Our special education preschool teachers work with children who have a variety of needs, significant developmental delays or disabilities. These children have been assessed and placed by an Individualized Education Plan team. If you have concerns regarding your child's development please complete our . Once Completed our office will contact you with additional information and to schedule an evaluation if needed.
Contact the Preschool Assessment Team if you have concerns with your child's development.
- CDC’s developmental milestone checklists are communication tools intended to encourage ongoing conversations between families and professionals. The checklists also help identify the need for additional screening (between universal screening ages, as needed) when there is a potential developmental concern. Milestones are just one part of these communication tools. The milestone checklists also include
Open-ended questions to address concerns that milestones alone may not capture,
Reminders for developmental screening,
Information about how to connect with early intervention, and
Tips to help caregivers promote child development.
Information regarding New Schools and Station Camp area zoning changes
Zone Changes – new school campus
Dr. Phillips and the School Board discussed a preliminary timeline for building a new elementary school and a new middle school/high school during their October 23, 2018 Board Retreat.
The School Board is considering a zoning change in the Station Camp area in two phases to prepare for the new campus.
Students impacted by Stage 1 zoning will attend either Beech Elementary, T.W. Hunter Middle or Beech High school starting with the 2019-2020 school year. The School Board will vote on the Stage 1 zoning plan during their February 2019 regular meeting.
The Stage 2 zoning will occur prior to the new campus opening in 2021. Stage 2 zoning will not be finalized or approved by the Board until February 2021.
Below are a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the new school campus and the proposed zoning plan:
Why do we need new schools?
We began the current plan to manage growth within our schools in 2014. The 2014 building program added 82 classrooms, eliminated 60 portables used as permanent classrooms, and renovated the oldest campuses within the school district. You can access the 2014 building program here.
The next step in our plan is to develop a new campus that will serve future growth in the southern portion of our county for the next 12 to 15 years; similar to the Station Camp campus that was built between 2002 to 2008. Sumner County purchased property in 2015 to complete this step of the plan.
Follow this link to access our Sumner County School Facility Planning Guide.
Follow this link to view a development map of the area.
Where can I find out if the zoning change affects my child?
You can access the map here for the Stage 1 and Stage 2 zoning. Stage 1 will begin in August, 2019. Stage 2 will begin in August, 2021. A quick reference for Stage 1 would be to determine if you are currently zoned for Station Camp and live north of Long Hollow Pike. If the answer is yes, your zoning will change in Stage 1. The school district will also send an official notice to your home address to notifiy that you are in the affected area.
Why does my school zone have to change?
Zoning changes are common in growing school districts to manage student enrollment. Our Board tries to limit the number of zoning changes to be sensitive to the disruption it causes families, but our School Board also realize it’s a necessity. Our policies allow us to change zoning yearly.
When will the School Board take action on the Stage 1 zoning plan?
The School Board will vote on the Stage 1 zoning plan at their February 2019 regular meeting.
The School Board will review, discuss and vote on the proposed Stage 2 plan no later than the spring of 2021. Students impacted by the Stage 1 zoning will automatically be included into Stage 2.
When will the zoning changes take affect?
Students impacted by Stage 1 zoning will attend their new zoned school starting with the 2019-2020 school year. Stage 2 zoning will occur when the new campus is opened in 2021.
If my child is in one of the upper grades at their school, can they stay?
Unfortunately, based on the projected growth for the Station Camp Schools, Stage 1 students impacted by Stage 1 zone changes will be required to attend their new zoned school starting with the 2019-2020 school year.
I have students at Beech Elementary and/or T.W. Hunter Middle. How will this affect my child’s school?
The Stage 1 zoning change will not create overcrowding at either school. We have capacity at both Beech Elementary and Hunter Middle to accommodate students until the new school campus opens. The current enrollment at Beech is 418 with a classroom capacity of 608. Beech had 605 students the year prior to Burrus Elementary opening. Hunter has a current enrollment of 654 students with a classroom capacity of 990.
When will the new schools be open?
Our proposed timeline will have construction beginning on a new middle school/high school and a new elementary school in the summer of 2019. We plan on the new campus being open in the 2021-22 school year.
What is the process for building the new schools?
The Director of Schools will present the project to the School Board and the County Commission for approval and funding. The School Board will work with an architectural firm to design the new schools. Once the design process is complete, the project as designed will be bid. The construction bids will then be presented to the School Board and County Commission for approval. If approved, construction will begin on the campus.
Where will the new schools be located?
Sumner County purchased 265 acres in 2015 for a new school campus. Both new schools will be constructed on this property, which is located at 475 Upper Station Camp Creek Road. The long-range plan is for the property to be home to an elementary, middle and high school, similar to the Station Camp and Beech campuses.
The School Board is proposing a middle/high school? What does that mean?
The School Board is proposing initially to build an elementary and a high school on the new campus. The high school will be designed to house the middle school students in a separate area that will eventually become a freshman wing, similar to the freshman annexes at Beech High and White House High. A middle school will be proposed on the new campus at a later date, after the completion of the elementary and high school.
What will the new schools be named?
The School Board will discuss naming the new schools after the projects are approved. School Board policy dictates a preference for geographic or community names. School Board policy also requires the School Board to propose the naming of a school during a regular meeting and then place that name on a Study Session for review and community input prior to voting during a regularly scheduled public meeting.
How much will the new schools cost?
Our preliminary construction cost estimates can be found by following the links below.
How did the School District spend the 2014 building program funds?
What is core capacity? What is classroom utilization?
Core capacity is based on the maximum number of students that can occupy non-classroom spaces such as the cafeteria, auditorium and gym.
Classroom utilization is the classroom space that will accommodate maximum student enrollment.
Amanda Prichard Brown Chief Financial Officer
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5211
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Trevor Glover Director of Financial Accounting and Reporting
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 230-6748 ext 71748
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Holly Harrison Finance Department Secretary
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5210 ext 71210
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Rhonda Jernigan Director of Budgeting and Federal Programs Oversight
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-6519 ext 71519
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Dr. Justin Alexander Position Control Supervisor
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5200 ext 71018
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Regina Barnett Supervisor of Federal Accounting and Reporting
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 442-8057 ext 71540
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Anita Palmer Staff Accountant Federal and General Purpose Grants
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-6359 ext 71359
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Keri Rittenberry Operations and Maintenance Specialist
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5200 ext 71097
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Traci Graham Finance Supervisor Accounts Receivables and Payables
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5213 ext 71213
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Jessica Troutt Accounts Payable Coordinator
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-6540 ext 71232
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Cathy Fellers Accounts Payable Specialist
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 206-3153 ext 71028
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Tabatha Beasley Payroll Supervisor - Classified
Garnishments, Pay Cards
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 206-4029 ext 71216
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Terry Rittenberry Payroll Supervisor - Certified
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5215 ext 71215
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Ashley Wall Payroll Specialist
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5200 ext 71221
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Jackie Edmison Payroll Specialist
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 206-4034 ext 70189
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Angela Thornton Payroll Leave Coordinator
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5200 ext 71363
Fax: (615) 230-6746
Kristy Scruggs Master Printer
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5230
Brannon Smith Printing Assistant
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-5230
Chris Harrison Purchasing Supervisor
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-6560 ext 76904
Fax: (615) 451-5241
Janice Wright Purchasing Coordinator
Gallatin, Tennessee, USA
Phone: (615) 451-6569 ext 76905
Fax: (615) 451-5241