shine program joshua tree

Our Mission

The San Bernardino Healthy in Nature — Equity Program (SHiNE) is foundational in creating change and hope for the San Bernardino Community. This program is founded on the belief that all Californians deserve access to nature and enjoy the great outdoors. For too long, many communities in San Bernardino have faced barriers to participating in nature. SHiNE aims to create new and exciting opportunities for underserved and underrepresented populations to meet the needs of these communities.

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Note from SHiNE Program Coordinator – Evelyn Perez

It has been a privilege to be able to lead this program. What makes this program so special to me is having the opportunity to bring people together and restore connections that have been overshadowed by the many expectations of this world. Seeing families return to garden events, hearing youth speak about how they’ve never felt more at peace than the time they visited Whitewater Preserve, and parents sharing how desperately they needed a program like this for their hyperactive child is why this program exists. I hope the SHiNE Program continues to be a safe space for families and youth of San Bernardino.

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SHiNE’s Impact

In the first 7 months, over 250 families have signed up for the program. There have been over 350 participants at SHiNE’s garden events, day trips, and overnight trips. For many of these participants, they are experiencing something completely new to them. The garden events build multi-generational ties and connect community members to each other.

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*This program is funded by the Outdoor Equity Grants Program, created through AB 209 and administered by California State Parks, Office of Grants and Local Services.