²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Factbook


The ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Factbook provides links to reports across ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ’s operations. It is presented as an interactive compilation of informative dashboards based on standardized requests. The ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ Factbook is maintained by the Office of Educational Effectiveness under the guidance of the Provost’s Office. Specific access to a report and questions should be addressed to the Office of Educational Effectiveness at ir@llu.edu.

Student – Applications, Enrollment, & Success

  • Inquiries, apps in process, submitted applications, acceptances, and enrollment.

  • Academic term application and admission trends for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students by school, level, program, and demographic.

  • Degrees awarded by level and category.

  • Census counts by academic year and term. Multiple demographic filters.

  • Rates for entering cohorts. Filters include degree, program, and demographics

  • Public Dashboard

  • Persistence trend by program and demographic.

Faculty/Staff – Appointments & Demographics

Reports profile faculty and non-faculty staff in the most recent Fall census and display demographic and appointment trends over the past ten years.  Comparisons by gender, race/ethnicity, full/part time status, tenure status (for faculty), appointment type, and age are available.

Finance – Tuition & Fees

  • Tuition and fee trend by school, department, program.

Research – Grants, Publications, & Libraries

  • Submissions and Awards

  • Titles, Authors, and Abstracts

Student Experience – Academics, Assessment, & Surveys

  • Advisor Ratios
    Courses Taught
    Units Taught

  • AMS Action Plans
    AMS Outcomes
    Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators (IEEI)

  • Climate
    Mission-Focused Learning


Institutional Research - Services & Support


Assist decision-making and educational effectiveness efforts with data that provides for validation, intervention and prediction.

Fulfill data requests from local, state and federal agencies.



  • Compiling and disseminating historical data on enrollment and student success including degrees conferred and retention & graduation rates
  • Conducting ad hoc studies on significant policy issues
  • Maintaining a compendium of statistics on faculty and staff
  • Conducting and analyzing student and alumni surveys
  • Institutional reporting and administrative policy analysis
  • Strategic planning, enrollment and financial management
  • Outcomes assessment, program review, accountability, accreditation and institutional effectiveness